
Comexim is up-to-date with all certifications required by the coffee market: Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance, UTZ Certified (Part of the Rainforest Alliance), 4C and C.A.F.E. Practices.
Offering certifications to those who buy the coffee is transferring know-how to the producer.
The result of this incentive is certified coffees, in self-sustainable productions, and quality for exportation. The company monitors the entire production chain, guaranteeing the product’s final quality.

Fairtrade supports small producers, promoting fairer trading conditions and empowering them to fight poverty, ensuring that they can enjoy secure and sustainable livelihoods, develop their potential, and decide on their own future.
This NGO supports the purchase of the production coming from small producers, assuring them a minimum fair price, and allocating a premium to the cooperative or association to which they are affiliated. Fairtrade also invests in consumer and government awareness in order to promote producer access to these markets. /p>

For more information about Fairtrade Certification, please visit:

The Rainforest Alliance is an international nonprofit organization that works at the intersection of business, agriculture, and forests, building an alliance of companies, farmers, forest communities and consumers committed to creating a world where people and nature thrive in harmony.

For more information about the Rainforest Alliance™ Certificate, please visit:

Since 2018, the Rainforest Alliance and UTZ have merged in response to great challenges faced by mankind today, combining their respective strengths to build a future in which nature is protected, biodiversity flourishes and farmers, workers and communities thrive. Its standards advocate sustainable land use and responsible business practices at every link in the chain. Comexim has a modern warehouse that is UTZ Certified, which ensures rigorous tracking of the production process, from planting to shipping.

For more information on the UTZ certificate, please visit:

4C (Common Code for the Coffee Community) is an independent sustainability standard for all stakeholders and is internationally recognized throughout the coffee sector. Its objective is to consolidate sustainability in the coffee chains, aiming to gradually improve the social, economic, and environmental conditions of coffee production and processing worldwide. The 4c’s 12 principles and 45 sustainability criteria are defined in its Code of Conduct, divided into 3 levels of compliance, which allow a smooth entry into certification and guarantee the continuous improvement of certified producers. The 4C certifies producers in 28 countries, helping them to participate in sustainable markets, earn higher incomes and improve working conditions, while contributing to the preservation of nature and biodiversity.

For more information about the 4C certificate, please visit:

The Global Coffee Platform (GCP) is an international association with more than 200 members from all segments of the coffee production chain that operates in 9 countries (Brazil, Colombia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Honduras, and Peru). Its main objective is to guarantee a sustainable coffee sector, able to provide good living conditions for farmers and workers and ensuring their permanence in the activity while protecting natural resources. The GCP puts into action the global agenda established through public-private initiative, aimed at improving the livelihoods of farming communities and preserving the environment in coffee producing areas.

For more information about the Global Coffee Platform, please visit:

C.A.F.E. practices. (Coffee and Farmer Fairness Practices) - C.A.F.E. practices are the baseline of Starbucks approach to ethical sourcing. Developed with Conservation International, these guidelines provide comprehensive social, environmental, and economic criteria that, if followed, can help sustaining and strengthening coffee-growing communities while maintaining Starbucks high quality standards now and in the future. The program is based on a set of ethical sourcing standards that evaluate farms on economic, social and environmental criteria, all designed to promote transparent, profitable and sustainable coffee growing practices and protect the well-being of coffee farmers, workers, their families and their communities. The open-source, third-party verified program consists of more than 200 indicators - from financial reporting to protection of workers' rights and conservation of water and biodiversity.

For more information about C.A.F.E. practices, please visit:

Sustainable Actions
by Comexim


This is the 4th edition of our Sustainability Newsletter.
Learn about the various actions developed by Comexim aiming to improve the coffee production chain.


Field Day


Clean Field Day




Star Workshop


Projects and Improvements


Coffee granding and tasting course


SENAR training

Always beside the producers


Comexim supports the producers who have coffee as their main source of income and ensures the training and qualification of their suppliers. To this end, it counts on the permanent consulting of technologists and agronomists who offer technical assistance, and guide the producers in all stages of the process, beginning with pre-harvest preparation, ensuring a sustainable and quality production.

The follow-up is scheduled according to the production cycle. Believing that sustainable agriculture is closely linked to the social and economic well-being of farmers, the company offers training for its partners to be able to meet the requirements and obtain the certifications aiming at the environmental, economic, and social development of the region.


“I've managed to buy a house and a car and to pay for my son’s schooling.
He’s now studying agronomy.”

Benedito Carlos da Costa
Coffee producer from the Ouro Fino region


“I earn a living from coffee, I support my family from coffee, my life is coffee.”

José Alexandre Dias
Coffee producer from the Ouro Fino region