On July 29, 2021, Comexim in partnership with the Global Coffee Platform, InpEV (National Institute for the Processing of Empty Packaging) and the Federal Institute of Southern Minas Gerais (Inconfidentes Campus) held an “Itinerant Receipt” day to collect empty agrochemical containers in the coffee region of Ouro Fino.
The event was held at the Ouro Fino Small Farmers Trade Association (ASSOPRO), from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Aiming to guide producers on the correct way to wash and dispose of packaging, the action marked the National Day of Campo Limpo, which is celebrated on August 18th.
During the action, almost 2700 containers were collected, with the participation of 80 producers from 06 cities in the region: 41 from Ouro Fino, 24 from Inconfidentes, 9 from Monte Sião, 3 from Tocos do Mogi, 02 from Borda da Mata and 01 from Jacutinga.
1 box truck and 2 Ford F4000 trucks were used to remove the containers from the collection site at ASSOPRO, to the return site at InpeV.
Comexim once again reinforces its commitment to sustainability and the promotion of environmental preservation practices. Other events are already being planned for the last quarter of 2021 in the cities of Jacutinga, Borda da Mata and Bueno Brandão.